Publication DashBoard Book Publication Dashboard
Research Publications

The vibrancy of research programs at the University is accentuated by the high - quality publications including books, book chapters and scientific papers, research articles, creative write-ups published by the faculty members. The intellectual contribution of a University to the community at large can be gleaned by the quality of publications by the faculty members. The faculty members at the University have published several book and book chapters; research work in peer reviewed high impact National.

Journal Publications

The intellectual contribution of a University to the community at large can be gleaned by the quality of publications by the faculty members. The faculty members at the University have published several book and book chapters; research work in peer reviewed high impact National and International indexed search journals.

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Books & Book Chapters

The vibrancy of research programs at the University is accentuated by the high - quality publications including books, book chapters and scientific papers, research articles, creative write-ups published by the faculty members. 

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